open Msg module HT = Hashtbl type protovers = X86Linux2012 | X86Win2012 type sctltype = Local of int| Remote of (string*int) type sctl = { ptype : sctltype; ic : in_channel; oc : out_channel; vers : protovers; } type ctlproc = { sctl : sctl; id : int64; (* other stuff like a register cache ? *) } type sctlns = { ns_id : int64; ns_sctl : sctl; } type lockind = L_var | L_param type cbase = Vundef | Vbool | Vchar | Vshort | Vint | Vlong | Vvlong | Vuchar | Vushort | Vuint | Vulong | Vuvlong | Vfloat | Vdouble | Vlongdouble | Vcomplex | Vdoublex | Vlongdoublex | Vptr | Vvoid | Vnallbase type rkind = Rundef | Ru08le | Ru16le | Ru32le | Ru64le | Rs08le | Rs16le | Rs32le | Rs64le | Ru08be | Ru16be | Ru32be | Ru64be | Rs08be | Rs16be | Rs32be | Rs64be | Rf32 | Rf64 | Rf96 | Rf128 | Rx64 | Rx128 | Rx192 | Rnrep type sctlloc = { sl_id : string; sl_type : tname; sl_kind : lockind; sl_lexpr : sctllexpr; } and tname = Tvoid | Tbase of cbase | Tstruct of string | Tunion of string | Tenum of string | Tptr of tname | Tarr of int * tname | Tfun of tname * int * param list | Ttypedef of string | Tbitfield of int * int * tname | Tconst of tname | Txaccess | Tundef of tname and attr = Noattrsyet and field = { f_off : int; f_alist : attr list; f_name : string; f_type : tname; } and sctldecl = { sd_type : tdef; sd_id : string; sd_off : int32; } and sctlenum = { se_id : string; se_off : int64; se_type : tdef; } and param = { (* attrs left out for now *) p_name : string; p_type : tname; } and tdef = { st_tname : tname; st_rep : rkind option; st_id : string option; st_sz : int64 option; st_pos : int option; st_w : int option; st_plist : param list option; st_flist : field list option; st_elist : sctlenum list option; st_link : tname option; } and sctllexpr = Lreg of int | Lderef of sctllexpr | Ladd of sctllexpr * sctllexpr | Lsub of sctllexpr * sctllexpr | Lulit of int64 | Lslit of int64 type srcloc = { src_addr : int64; src_file : string; src_line : int32; src_col : int32; } exception Unexpected_message of string exception Protocol_error of string exception Unexpected_type of string exception Invalid_location_kind exception Unexpected_lexpr let bad_msg msg = raise (Unexpected_message (msg_to_string msg)) let bad_prot str = raise (Protocol_error str) let notype: tdef = { st_tname = Tvoid; st_rep = None; st_id = None; st_sz = None; st_pos = None; st_w = None; st_plist = None; st_flist = None; st_elist = None; st_link = None; } type launch_flag = | Fstdin | Fstdout | Fstderr let launch_flags_to_int64 (flags:launch_flag list) : int64 = List.fold_left (fun x y -> match y with | Fstdin -> Int64.logor x 1L | Fstdout -> Int64.logor x 2L | Fstderr -> Int64.logor x 4L) 0L flags type ctx = { r15 : int64; r14 : int64; r13 : int64; r12 : int64; rbp : int64; rbx : int64; r11 : int64; r10 : int64; r9 : int64; r8 : int64; rax : int64; rcx : int64; rdx : int64; rsi : int64; rdi : int64; orig_rax : int64; rip : int64; cs : int64; eflags : int64; rsp : int64; ss : int64; fs_base : int64; gs_base : int64; ds : int64; es : int64; fs : int64; gs : int64; cursig : int64; } let ctxsize = 224 let empty_ctx = { r15 = 0L; r14 = 0L; r13 = 0L; r12 = 0L; rbp = 0L; rbx = 0L; r11 = 0L; r10 = 0L; r9 = 0L; r8 = 0L; rax = 0L; rcx = 0L; rdx = 0L; rsi = 0L; rdi = 0L; orig_rax = 0L; rip = 0L; cs = 0L; eflags = 0L; rsp = 0L; ss = 0L; fs_base = 0L; gs_base = 0L; ds = 0L; es = 0L; fs = 0L; gs = 0L; cursig = 0L; } let parse_ctx (bytes:string) (off:int) : ctx = let r15 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 0) in let r14 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 8) in let r13 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 16) in let r12 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 24) in let rbp = parse_u64 bytes (off + 32) in let rbx = parse_u64 bytes (off + 40) in let r11 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 48) in let r10 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 56) in let r9 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 64) in let r8 = parse_u64 bytes (off + 72) in let rax = parse_u64 bytes (off + 80) in let rcx = parse_u64 bytes (off + 88) in let rdx = parse_u64 bytes (off + 96) in let rsi = parse_u64 bytes (off + 104) in let rdi = parse_u64 bytes (off + 112) in let orig_rax = parse_u64 bytes (off + 120 ) in let rip = parse_u64 bytes (off + 128) in let cs = parse_u64 bytes (off + 136) in let eflags = parse_u64 bytes (off + 144) in let rsp = parse_u64 bytes (off + 152) in let ss = parse_u64 bytes (off + 160) in let fs_base = parse_u64 bytes (off + 168) in let gs_base = parse_u64 bytes (off + 176) in let ds = parse_u64 bytes (off + 184) in let es = parse_u64 bytes (off + 192) in let fs = parse_u64 bytes (off + 200) in let gs = parse_u64 bytes (off + 208) in { r15 = r15; r14 = r14; r13 = r13; r12 = r12; rbp = rbp; rbx = rbx; r11 = r11; r10 = r10; r9 = r9; r8 = r8; rax = rax; rcx = rcx; rdx = rdx; rsi = rsi; rdi = rdi; orig_rax = orig_rax; rip = rip; cs = cs; eflags = eflags; rsp = rsp; ss = ss; fs_base = fs_base; gs_base = gs_base; ds = ds; es = es; fs = fs; gs = gs; cursig = 0L; } let format_ctx ctx : string = let buf = Buffer.create ctxsize in append_u64 ctx.r15 buf; append_u64 ctx.r14 buf; append_u64 ctx.r13 buf; append_u64 ctx.r12 buf; append_u64 ctx.rbp buf; append_u64 ctx.rbx buf; append_u64 ctx.r11 buf; append_u64 ctx.r10 buf; append_u64 ctx.r9 buf; append_u64 ctx.r8 buf; append_u64 ctx.rax buf; append_u64 ctx.rcx buf; append_u64 ctx.rdx buf; append_u64 ctx.rsi buf; append_u64 ctx.rdi buf; append_u64 ctx.orig_rax buf; append_u64 buf; append_u64 ctx.cs buf; append_u64 ctx.eflags buf; append_u64 ctx.rsp buf; append_u64 buf; append_u64 ctx.fs_base buf; append_u64 ctx.gs_base buf; append_u64 ctx.ds buf; append_u64 buf; append_u64 ctx.fs buf; append_u64 buf; append_u64 ctx.cursig buf; Buffer.contents buf type loctab = (int64, (int64 * sctlloc list)) HT.t type typetab = (string, tdef) HT.t type trace_flag = | TFsyscall | TFexec | TFfork | TFclone | TFsignal | TFexit | TFtrap | TFsnap | TFstepctx | TFload | TFunload let trace_flags_to_int64 (flags:trace_flag list) : int64 = List.fold_left (fun x y -> match y with | TFsyscall -> Int64.logor x 2L | TFexec -> Int64.logor x 4L | TFfork -> Int64.logor x 8L | TFclone -> Int64.logor x 16L | TFsignal -> Int64.logor x 32L | TFexit -> Int64.logor x 64L | TFtrap -> Int64.logor x 128L | TFsnap -> Int64.logor x 256L | TFstepctx -> Int64.logor x 512L | TFload -> Int64.logor x 1024L | TFunload -> Int64.logor x 2048L ) 0L flags type event_details = | Esyscall of ctx | Eexec of ctx | Efork of (int64*ctx*ctx) | Eclone of (int64*ctx*ctx) | Esignal of ctx | Eexit | Etrap of (int64*ctx) | Esnap of (int64*int64*ctx) | Eload of (string*int64*ctx) | Eunload of (string*int64*ctx) let ev2str (ev:event_details) : string = match ev with Esyscall (_) -> "Esyscal" | Eexec (_) -> "Eexec" | Efork (_) -> "Efork" | Eclone (_) -> "Eclone" | Esignal (_) -> "Esignal" | Eexit -> "Eexit" | Etrap (_) -> "Etrap" | Esnap (_) -> "Esnap" | Eload (path,base,ctx) -> String.concat " " ["Eload"; path] | Eunload (path,base,ctx) -> String.concat " " ["Eunload"; path] type event = (int64*event_details) let parse_event bytes = let id = parse_u64 bytes 0 in let flags = parse_u64 bytes 8 in let details = (match flags with | 2L -> let ctx = parse_ctx bytes 16 in Esyscall(ctx) | 4L -> let ctx = parse_ctx bytes 16 in Eexec(ctx) | 8L -> let id = parse_u64 bytes 16 in let ctx1 = parse_ctx bytes 24 in let ctx2 = parse_ctx bytes (24 + ctxsize) in Efork(id,ctx1,ctx2) | 16L -> let id = parse_u64 bytes 16 in let ctx1 = parse_ctx bytes 24 in let ctx2 = parse_ctx bytes (24 + ctxsize) in Eclone(id,ctx1,ctx2) | 32L -> let ctx = parse_ctx bytes 16 in Esignal(ctx) | 64L -> Eexit | 128L -> let id = parse_u64 bytes 16 in let ctx = parse_ctx bytes 24 in Etrap(id,ctx) | 256L -> let id = parse_u64 bytes 16 in let id' = parse_u64 bytes 24 in let ctx = parse_ctx bytes 32 in Esnap(id,id',ctx) (* | 512L -> Estepctx *) (* not a valid event *) | 1024L -> let slen = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 16) in let s = String.sub bytes 24 slen in let base = parse_u64 bytes (24 + slen) in let ctx = parse_ctx bytes (32 + slen) in Eload (s,base,ctx) | 2048L -> let slen = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 16) in let s = String.sub bytes 24 slen in let base = parse_u64 bytes (24 + slen) in let ctx = parse_ctx bytes (32 + slen) in Eunload (s,base,ctx) | _ -> raise Unsupported_message) in (id,details) type proc = { pid : int64; cmd : string; tids : int64 list; } let parse_procs (bytes:string) : proc array = let nproc = (Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 0)) in let procs = Array.make nproc { pid=0L; cmd=""; tids=[];} in let parse_proc (off:int) (idx:int) = let id = parse_u64 bytes off in let len = (Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes (off + 8))) in let cmd = String.sub bytes (off + 16) len in let ntid = (Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes (off + 16 + len))) in let tids = ref [] in for i = 0 to (ntid - 1) do let tid = parse_u64 bytes (off + 24 + len + i * 8) in tids := tid :: !tids done; procs.(idx) <- {pid = id; cmd = cmd; tids = !tids}; (off + 24 + len + ntid * 8) in let off = ref 8 in for i = 0 to (nproc - 1) do off := parse_proc !off i; done; procs type rflag = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC type region = { r_file : string; r_addr: int64; r_len : int64; r_flags : rflag list; } type binary = { b_nsid : int64; b_base : int64; b_isexe : bool; b_path : string; } type stat = (int64*region array*binary array) let parse_stat (bytes:string) : stat = let pid = parse_u64 bytes 0 in let nregs = (Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 8)) in let regs = Array.make nregs { r_file=""; r_addr=0L; r_len=0L; r_flags=[];} in let parse_flags (x:int64) : rflag list = let flags = ref [] in if (Int64.logand x 1L) = 1L then flags := PROT_READ :: !flags; if (Int64.logand x 2L) = 2L then flags := PROT_WRITE :: !flags; if (Int64.logand x 4L) = 4L then flags := PROT_EXEC :: !flags; !flags in let parse_region (off:int) (idx:int)= let flen = (Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes off)) in let fname = String.sub bytes (off + 8) flen in let addr = parse_u64 bytes (off + 8 + flen) in let len = parse_u64 bytes (off + 16 + flen) in let oflags = parse_u64 bytes (off + 24 + flen) in begin regs.(idx) <- { r_file=fname; r_addr=addr; r_len=len; r_flags=(parse_flags oflags);} ; (off + 32 + flen) end in let off = ref 16 in for i = 0 to (nregs - 1) do off := parse_region !off i done; let nbins = (Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes !off)) in off:=!off + 8; let bins = Array.make nbins { b_nsid=0L; b_base=0L;b_isexe=false;b_path="";} in let parse_binary (off:int) (idx:int)= let nsid = parse_u64 bytes off in let base = parse_u64 bytes (off + 8) in let isexe = (match int_of_char bytes.[off + 16] with 0 -> false | 1 ->true | _ -> assert false) in let plen = (Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes (off + 17))) in let pname = String.sub bytes (off + 25) plen in begin bins.(idx) <- {b_nsid=nsid; b_base=base; b_isexe=isexe; b_path=pname;} ; (off + 25 + plen) end in for i = 0 to (nbins - 1) do off := parse_binary !off i done; (pid, regs, bins) let format_rflags (rl : rflag list) : string = let rv = String.copy "---" in List.iter (fun el -> (match el with PROT_READ -> rv.[0] <- 'r' | PROT_WRITE -> rv.[1] <- 'w' | PROT_EXEC -> rv.[2] <- 'x')) rl; rv (* Code to mirror sctl client code in l1/lib/sctl.cqct *) type sctlstring = { len : int; s : string; } let decodes (bytes:string) (off:int) : (string * int) = let len = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes off) in let rs = String.sub bytes (off+8) len in (rs, off+8+len) let tk2str (t:tname) : string = match t with Tvoid -> "Tvoid" | Tbase _ -> "Tbase" | Tstruct _ -> "Tstruct" | Tunion _ -> "Tunion" | Tenum _ -> "Tenum" | Tptr _ -> "Tptr" | Tarr _ -> "Tarr" | Tfun _ -> "Tfun" | Ttypedef _ -> "Ttypedef" | Tbitfield _ -> "Tbitfield" | Tconst _ -> "Tconst" | Txaccess -> "Txaccess" | Tundef _ -> "Tundef" let tk2byte (t:tname) : int = match t with Tvoid -> 0 | Tbase _ -> 1 | Tstruct _ -> 2 | Tunion _ -> 3 | Tenum _ -> 4 | Tptr _ -> 5 | Tarr _ -> 6 | Tfun _ -> 7 | Ttypedef _ -> 8 | Tbitfield _ -> 9 | Tconst _ -> 10 | Txaccess -> 11 | Tundef _ -> 12 let decoderk (c:char) : rkind = match int_of_char c with 0 -> Rundef | 1 -> Ru08le | 2 -> Ru16le | 3 -> Ru32le | 4 -> Ru64le | 5 -> Rs08le | 6 -> Rs16le | 7 -> Rs32le | 8 -> Rs64le | 9 -> Ru08be | 10 -> Ru16be | 11 -> Ru32be | 12 -> Ru64be | 13 -> Rs08be | 14 -> Rs16be | 15 -> Rs32be | 16 -> Rs64be | 17 -> Rf32 | 18 -> Rf64 | 19 -> Rf96 | 20 -> Rf128 | 21 -> Rx64 | 22 -> Rx128 | 23 -> Rx192 | 24 -> Rnrep | _ as n -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "exception in decoderk:%d\n" n); flush stderr; raise (Unexpected_type (string_of_int n)) let decodecb (c:char) : cbase = match int_of_char c with 0 -> Vundef | 1 -> Vbool | 2 -> Vchar | 3 -> Vshort | 4 -> Vint | 5 -> Vlong | 6 -> Vvlong | 7 -> Vuchar | 8 -> Vushort | 9 -> Vuint | 10 -> Vulong | 11 -> Vuvlong | 12 -> Vfloat | 13 -> Vdouble | 14 -> Vlongdouble | 15 -> Vcomplex | 16 -> Vdoublex | 17 -> Vlongdoublex | 18 -> Vptr | 19 -> Vvoid | 20 -> Vnallbase | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "exception in decodecb\n"); flush stderr; raise (Unexpected_type (string_of_int (int_of_char c))) let cb2str (cb : cbase) = match cb with Vundef -> "Vundef" | Vbool -> "Vbool" | Vchar -> "Vchar" | Vshort -> "Vshort" | Vint -> "Vint" | Vlong -> "Vlong" | Vvlong -> "Vvlong" | Vuchar -> "Vuchar" | Vushort -> "Vushort" | Vuint -> "Vuint" | Vulong -> "Vulong" | Vuvlong -> "Vuvlong" | Vfloat -> "Vfloat" | Vdouble -> "Vdouble" | Vlongdouble -> "Vlongdouble" | Vcomplex -> "Vcomplex" | Vdoublex -> "Vdoublex" | Vlongdoublex -> "Vlongdoublex" | Vptr -> "Vptr" | Vvoid -> "Vvoid" | Vnallbase -> "Vnallbase" let cb2cstr (cb : cbase) = match cb with Vundef -> "Vundef" | Vbool -> "_Bool" | Vchar -> "char" | Vshort -> "short" | Vint -> "int" | Vlong -> "long" | Vvlong -> "long long" | Vuchar -> "unsigned char" | Vushort -> "unsigned short" | Vuint -> "unsigned int" | Vulong -> "unsigned long" | Vuvlong -> "unsigned long long" | Vfloat -> "float" | Vdouble -> "double" | Vlongdouble -> "longdouble" | Vcomplex -> "complex" | Vdoublex -> "doublex" | Vlongdoublex -> "longdoublex" | Vptr -> "ptr" | Vvoid -> "void" | Vnallbase -> "Vnallbase" let rec formattype (t:tname) : string = match t with Tvoid -> "void" | Tbase (cb) -> Printf.sprintf "%s" (cb2cstr cb) | Tstruct (tag) -> Printf.sprintf "struct %s" tag | Tunion (tag) -> Printf.sprintf "union %s" tag | Tenum (tag) -> Printf.sprintf "enum %s" tag | Tptr (t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%s*" (formattype t1) | Tarr (n, t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%s[%d]" (formattype t1) n | Tfun (rt,_,pl) -> let s = formattype rt in let ps = String.concat "," ( (fun p -> formattype p.p_type) pl) in Printf.sprintf "%s(%s)" s ps | Ttypedef (s) -> Printf.sprintf "%s" s | Tbitfield (w,p,t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" (formattype t1) w | Tconst (t1) -> Printf.sprintf "const %s" (formattype t1) | Tundef (t1) -> Printf.sprintf "undefined %s" (formattype t1) | _ -> Printf.sprintf "tname without tdef" (* type bitfld = *) let rec decodetname (bytes:string) (off:int) : (tname * int) = match int_of_char bytes.[off] with 0 -> (Tvoid, off+1) | 1 -> let cb = decodecb bytes.[off+1] in (Tbase (cb), off+2) | 2 -> let (s, endoff) = decodes bytes (off+1) in (Tstruct (s), endoff) | 3 -> let (s, endoff) = decodes bytes (off+1) in (Tunion (s), endoff) | 4 -> let (s, endoff) = decodes bytes (off+1) in (Tenum (s), endoff) | 5 -> let (reftype, endoff) = decodetname bytes (off+1) in (Tptr (reftype), endoff) | 6 -> let nelem = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes (off+1)) in let (tn,newoff) = decodetname bytes (off+9) in (Tarr (nelem, tn), newoff) | 7 -> let (rettype,off2) = decodetname bytes (off+1) in let pcnt = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes off2) in let plist = ref [] in let poff = ref (off2+8) in for i = 0 to (pcnt - 1) do let (pnt, nextoff) = decodeparam bytes !poff in ignore (plist := List.append !plist [pnt]); poff := nextoff done; (Tfun (rettype, pcnt, !plist), !poff) | 8 -> let (s, endoff) = decodes bytes (off+1) in (Ttypedef (s), endoff) | 9 -> let w = int_of_char bytes.[off] in let pos = int_of_char bytes.[off+1] in let (ftname, endoff) = decodetname bytes (off+2) in (Tbitfield (w, pos, ftname), endoff) | 10 -> let (tn,newoff) = decodetname bytes (off+1) in (Tconst (tn), newoff) | 11 -> (Txaccess, off+1) | 12 -> let (tn,newoff) = decodetname bytes (off+1) in (Tundef (tn), newoff) | _ as n -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "exception in decodecbtname:%d\n" n); flush stderr; raise (Unexpected_type (string_of_int n)) and decodeparam (bytes:string) (off:int) : (param * int) = let attrcnt = parse_u64 bytes off in let (pn, newoff) = decodes bytes (off+8) in let (tn, endoff) = decodetname bytes newoff in ({ p_name = pn; p_type = tn}, endoff) and decodefld (bytes:string) (off:int) : (field * int) = let foff = parse_u64 bytes off in let attrcnt = parse_u64 bytes (off+8) in let (fname, toff) = decodes bytes (off+16) in let (ftype, endoff) = decodetname bytes toff in ({ f_off=off; f_alist=[]; f_name=fname; f_type=ftype; }, endoff) and decodetdef (bytes:string) (off:int) : (tdef * int) = let (tn, newoff) = decodetname bytes off in match tn with Tbase (cb) -> let rk = decoderk bytes.[newoff] in ({ notype with st_tname=Tbase(cb); st_rep=Some(rk); } , newoff+1) | Tstruct (tag) | Tunion (tag) -> let size = parse_u64 bytes newoff in let attrcnt = parse_u64 bytes (newoff+8) in let fldcnt = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes (newoff+16)) in let flist = ref [] in let foff = ref (newoff+24) in for i = 0 to (fldcnt-1) do let (f, newoff) = decodefld bytes !foff in flist := List.append !flist [f]; foff := newoff done; ({ notype with st_tname=tn; st_id=Some(tag); st_sz=Some(size); st_flist=Some(!flist); }, !foff) | Tenum (tag) -> let rk = decoderk bytes.[newoff] in let ecnt = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes (newoff+1)) in let eoff = ref (newoff+9) in let elist = ref [] in for i = 0 to (ecnt-1) do let (ename, valoff) = decodes bytes !eoff in let ev = parse_u64 bytes valoff in let en = { se_id=ename; se_off=ev;se_type=notype; } in elist := List.append !elist [en]; eoff := valoff+8 done; ({ notype with st_tname=tn; st_id=Some(tag); st_elist=Some(!elist); }, !eoff) | Ttypedef (s) -> let (reftn, endoff) = decodetname bytes newoff in ({ notype with st_tname=tn; st_id=Some(s); st_link=Some(reftn); }, endoff) | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "exception in decodetdef\n"); flush stderr; raise (Unexpected_type ("No such type definition")) type sflag = SUNDEF | SDATA | STEXT | SRO |SENUM | SINLINE type sym = { s_name : string; s_flags : sflag list; s_val : int64; s_size : int64; s_type : tname; } let nosym:sym = { s_name="";s_flags=[];s_val=0L;s_size=0L;s_type=Tundef(Tvoid);} type symtab = (string, sym) HT.t let parse_sym (sbytes:string) : (sym * int) = let parse_flags (c:char) : sflag list = let x = Int64.of_int (int_of_char c) in let flags = ref [] in if (Int64.logand x 1L) = 1L then flags := SUNDEF :: !flags; if (Int64.logand x 2L) = 2L then flags := SDATA :: !flags; if (Int64.logand x 3L) = 2L then flags := STEXT :: !flags; if (Int64.logand x 4L) = 2L then flags := SRO :: !flags; if (Int64.logand x 5L) = 2L then flags := SENUM :: !flags; if (Int64.logand x 6L) = 2L then flags := SINLINE :: !flags; !flags in let len = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 sbytes 0) in let name = String.sub sbytes 8 len in let sflags = parse_flags sbytes.[8+len] in let sval = parse_u64 sbytes (8+len+1) in let attrcnt =parse_u64 sbytes (17+len) in let size = parse_u64 sbytes (25+len) in let (tname, endoff) = decodetname sbytes (33+len) in let s = { s_name=name; s_flags=sflags; s_val=sval; s_size=size; s_type=tname;} in (s, endoff) let formatsym (s:sym) : string = Printf.sprintf "0x%Lx\t%s" s.s_val s.s_name let formatsymsize (s:sym) : string = Printf.sprintf "0x%Lx\t0x%Lx\t%s" s.s_val s.s_size s.s_name let parse_syms (bytes:string) (st:symtab) : unit = let nsyms = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 0) in (* let syms = Array.make nsyms { s_name=""; s_flags=[]; s_val=0L; s_size=0L; s_type=Tundef(Tvoid);} in *) let off = ref 8 in let bcnt = String.length bytes in for i = 0 to (nsyms - 1) do let (ns, newoff) = parse_sym (String.sub bytes !off (bcnt - !off)) in HT.add st ns.s_name ns; (* ignore (syms.(i) <- ns); *) off := !off+newoff done type trapmode = Trap | Snap let newtag = let tagcntr = ref 0l in fun () -> tagcntr := Int32.succ !tagcntr; !tagcntr let rec runtiltag (tag:int32) (ic:in_channel) : msg = let msg = readmsg ic in if msg.tag = tag then msg else runtiltag tag ic let rec runtilevent (ic:in_channel) : event = let msg = readmsg ic in if msg.op = Aevent then parse_event (val_of msg.bytes) else runtilevent ic let checkmsg (msg:msg) (op:opCode) : unit = if (msg.op <> op) then bad_msg msg else () let sendrcv (msg:msg) (p:sctl) : msg = writemsg msg p.oc; runtiltag msg.tag p.ic let negotiate_version (ic:in_channel) (oc:out_channel) : protovers = let versmsg = { empty_msg with op=Tversion; tag=newtag(); bytes=Some("sctl-2012:x86-linux-2012,x86-win-2012"); } in let _ = writemsg versmsg oc in let msg = runtiltag versmsg.tag ic in checkmsg msg Rversion; match msg.bytes with Some("sctl-2012:x86-linux-2012") -> X86Linux2012 | Some("sctl-2012:x86-win-2012") -> X86Win2012 | Some b -> bad_prot (Printf.sprintf "unexpected protcol %s" b) | _ -> bad_msg msg (* Sctl functions *) let close (p:sctl) : unit = match p.ptype with | Local(pid) -> Unix.shutdown (Unix.descr_of_out_channel p.oc) Unix.SHUTDOWN_ALL; ignore(Unix.waitpid [] pid) | Remote(_,_) -> Unix.shutdown_connection p.ic let create_remote (host:string) (port:int) : sctl = let addr = Unix.ADDR_INET(Unix.inet_addr_of_string host, port) in let in_chan,out_chan = Unix.open_connection(addr) in let vers = negotiate_version in_chan out_chan in let rv = { ptype = Remote(host,port); ic = in_chan; oc = out_chan; vers = vers; } in at_exit (fun () -> try close rv with Unix.Unix_error (_,"waitpid",_) -> ();); rv let create_local () : sctl = let (mysock,sctlsock) = Unix.socketpair Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in let pid = Unix.create_process "sctl" [| "sctl"; "-c"; |] sctlsock Unix.stdout Unix.stderr in let _ = Unix.close sctlsock in let in_chan = Unix.in_channel_of_descr mysock in let out_chan = Unix.out_channel_of_descr mysock in let vers = negotiate_version in_chan out_chan in let rv = { ptype = Local(pid); ic = in_chan; oc = out_chan; vers = vers; } in at_exit (fun () -> try close rv with Unix.Unix_error (_,"waitpid",_) -> ();); rv let ps (p:sctl) : proc array = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tps; tag=newtag();} p in checkmsg msg Rps; parse_procs (val_of msg.bytes) let ping (p:sctl) (s:string) : unit = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tping; tag=newtag(); bytes=Some(s);} p in let _ = checkmsg msg Rping in let cnt = (val_of msg.cnt) in if (Int64.to_int cnt) = (String.length s) then () else bad_prot (Printf.sprintf "Bad ping size returned: %Ld" cnt) let launch (p:sctl) (flags:launch_flag list) (cmd:string list) : (ctlproc*ctx) = let buf = Buffer.create 10 in let _ = append_u64 (launch_flags_to_int64 flags) buf in let _ = append_u64 (Int64.of_int (List.length cmd)) buf in let _ = List.iter (fun x -> append_u64 (Int64.of_int (String.length x)) buf; Buffer.add_string buf x) cmd in let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tlaunch; tag=newtag(); bytes=Some(Buffer.contents buf);} p in checkmsg msg Rlaunch; let id = (val_of in let b = (val_of msg.bytes) in Printf.printf "Launched id %Ld\n" id; ({ sctl = p; id = id; }, parse_ctx b 0) let attach (p:sctl) (pid:int64) : (ctlproc*ctx) = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tattach; tag=newtag();;} p in let _ = checkmsg msg Rattach in let id = (val_of in let b = (val_of msg.bytes) in Printf.printf "Attached to id %Ld\n" id; ({ sctl = p; id = id; }, parse_ctx b 0) (* ctlproc functions *) let step (p:ctlproc) : ctx = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tstep; tag=newtag();;} p.sctl in checkmsg msg Rstep; parse_ctx (val_of msg.bytes) 0 let cont (p:ctlproc) : unit = checkmsg (sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tcont; tag=newtag();} p.sctl) Rcont let cont_to_exit (p:ctlproc) : unit = cont p; while (match (runtilevent p.sctl.ic) with (id,Eexit) -> (id <> | (_) -> cont p; true) do () done let stop (p:ctlproc) : ctx = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tstop; tag=newtag();;} p.sctl in let _ = checkmsg msg Rstop in parse_ctx (val_of msg.bytes) 0 let detach (p:ctlproc) : unit = checkmsg (sendrcv {empty_msg with op=Tdetach; tag=newtag();;} p.sctl) Rdetach let stat (p:ctlproc) : stat = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tstat; tag=newtag();;} p.sctl in let _ = checkmsg msg Rstat in parse_stat (val_of msg.bytes) let snap (p:ctlproc) : ctlproc = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tsnap; tag=newtag();;} p.sctl in let _ = checkmsg msg Rsnap in { sctl = p.sctl; id = (val_of; } let kill (p:ctlproc) : unit = checkmsg (sendrcv {empty_msg with op=Tkill; tag=newtag();;} p.sctl) Rkill let trace (p:ctlproc) (flags:trace_flag list) : unit = let buf = Buffer.create 8 in append_u64 (trace_flags_to_int64 flags) buf; checkmsg (sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Ttrace; tag=newtag();; bytes=Some(Buffer.contents buf);} p.sctl) Rtrace let settrap (p:ctlproc) (mode:trapmode) (addr:int64) : int64 = let buf = Buffer.create 16 in let _ = append_u64 (match mode with | Trap -> 0L | Snap -> 1L) buf in let _ = append_u64 addr buf in let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tsettrap; tag=newtag();; bytes=Some(Buffer.contents buf);} p.sctl in let _ = checkmsg msg Rsettrap in val_of msg.tid let cleartrap (p:ctlproc) (tid:int64) : unit = checkmsg (sendrcv {empty_msg with op=Tclrtrap; tag=newtag();; tid=Some(tid);} p.sctl) Rclrtrap let getctx (p:ctlproc) : ctx = let msg = (sendrcv {empty_msg with op=Tgetctx; tag=newtag();;} p.sctl) in let _ = checkmsg msg Rgetctx in parse_ctx (val_of msg.bytes) 0 let setctx (p:ctlproc) (ctx:ctx) : unit = let ctxstr = format_ctx ctx in checkmsg (sendrcv {empty_msg with op=Tsetctx; tag=newtag();; bytes=Some(ctxstr);} p.sctl) Rsetctx let readmem (p:ctlproc) (off:int64) (cnt:int64) : string = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Tread; tag=newtag();; fd=Some(-1L); addr=Some(off); cnt=Some(cnt);} p.sctl in let _ = checkmsg msg Rread in val_of msg.bytes let writemem (p:ctlproc) (off:int64) (bytes:string) : int64 = let msg = sendrcv { empty_msg with op=Twrite; tag=newtag();; fd=Some(-1L); addr=Some(off); bytes=Some(bytes);} p.sctl in let _ = checkmsg msg Rwrite in val_of msg.cnt (* namespace functions *) let ns (path:string) : sctlns = let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tnames;tag=newtag(); bytes=Some(path);} in let sc = create_local () in writemsg msg sc.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag sc.ic in let rv = (match rmsg.op with Rnames -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> parse_u64 x 0 | None -> 0L) | _ -> raise (Unexpected_message (String.concat "" ["NS request failed for "; path]))) in { ns_id=rv; ns_sctl=sc; } let looksym (ns:sctlns) (sym:string) : sym = let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tlooksym;tag=newtag(); bytes = Some (sym);;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in let rv = (match rmsg.op with Rlooksym -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> let (rsym, _) = parse_sym x in rsym | None -> nosym) | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "Couldn't find %s in ns %Ld\n" sym ns.ns_id); nosym) in rv let enumsym (ns:sctlns) : symtab = let st:symtab = HT.create 163 in let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tenumsym;tag=newtag();;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in (match rmsg.op with Renumsym -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> parse_syms x st | None -> raise (Unexpected_message "Couldn't get syms for ns\n")) | _ -> raise (Unexpected_message "Couldn't get syms for ns\n")); st let rec parse_lexpr (bytes:string) (off:int) : (sctllexpr * int) = match int_of_char bytes.[off] with 0 -> (Lreg (int_of_char bytes.[off+1]), off+2) | 1 -> let (lex,off1) = parse_lexpr bytes (off+1) in (Lderef lex, off1) | 2 -> let (op1, off1) = parse_lexpr bytes (off+1) in let (op2, off2) = parse_lexpr bytes (off1) in (Ladd (op1, op2), off2) | 3 -> let (op1, off1) = parse_lexpr bytes (off+1) in let (op2, off2) = parse_lexpr bytes (off1) in (Lsub (op1, op2), off2) | 4 -> let uval = parse_u64 bytes (off+1) in (Lulit uval, off+9) | 5 -> let sval = parse_u64 bytes (off+1) in (Lslit sval, off+9) | _ -> raise Unexpected_lexpr let rec format_lexpr (s:sctllexpr) : string = match s with Lreg (regno) -> Printf.sprintf "Reg %d" regno | Lderef (l) -> Printf.sprintf "*(%s)" (format_lexpr l) | Ladd (op1, op2) -> Printf.sprintf "%s + %s" (format_lexpr op1) (format_lexpr op2) | Lsub (op1, op2) -> Printf.sprintf "%s - %s" (format_lexpr op1) (format_lexpr op2) | Lulit uval -> Printf.sprintf "0x%Lx" uval | Lslit uval -> Printf.sprintf "0x%Lx" uval let parse_loc (bytes:string) (off:int) : (sctlloc * int) = let nlen = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes off) in let id = String.sub bytes (off+8) nlen in let (tname, toff) = decodetname bytes (off+8+nlen) in let kind = (match int_of_char (bytes.[toff]) with 0 -> L_var | 1 -> L_param | _ -> raise Invalid_location_kind) in let loff = (toff+1) in let (lexpr, newoff) = parse_lexpr bytes loff in ({ sl_id=id; sl_type=tname; sl_kind=kind; sl_lexpr=lexpr; }, newoff) let enumloc (ns:sctlns) (addr:int64) : loctab = let lt:loctab = HT.create 113 in let bytes = u64tostr addr in let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tenumloc;tag=newtag();; Msg.bytes = Some (bytes);} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in (match rmsg.op with Renumloc -> let bytes = match rmsg.bytes with Some x -> x | None -> raise (Unexpected_message "No bytes for Renumloc") in let nl = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 0) in let slist = ref [] in let loff = ref 8 in for i = 0 to (nl-1) do let (l,no) = parse_loc bytes !loff in slist := List.append !slist [l]; loff := no done; HT.add lt addr (addr, !slist) | _ -> raise (Unexpected_message "bad enumloc reply")); lt let rec formatparam (p:param) : string = let s = u64tostr 0L in Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s%s" s (u64tostr (Int64.of_int (String.length p.p_name))) p.p_name (formattname p.p_type) and formattname (t:tname) : string = match t with Tvoid -> Printf.sprintf "%c" (char_of_int 0) | Tbase (cb) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s" (char_of_int 1) (cb2cstr cb) | Tstruct (tag) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s%s" (char_of_int 2) (u64tostr (Int64.of_int (String.length tag))) tag | Tunion (tag) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s%s" (char_of_int 3) (u64tostr (Int64.of_int (String.length tag))) tag | Tenum (tag) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s%s" (char_of_int 4) (u64tostr (Int64.of_int (String.length tag))) tag | Tptr (t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s" (char_of_int 5) (formattname t1) | Tarr (n, t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s%s" (char_of_int 6) (u64tostr (Int64.of_int n)) (formattname t1) | Tfun (rt,_,pl) -> let s = ref (Printf.sprintf "%c%s" (char_of_int 7) (formattname rt)) in let pcnt = List.length pl in s := Printf.sprintf "%s%s" !s (u64tostr (Int64.of_int pcnt)); for i = 0 to (pcnt-1) do s := Printf.sprintf "%s%s" !s (formatparam (List.nth pl i)) done; !s | Ttypedef (s) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s%s" (char_of_int 8) (u64tostr (Int64.of_int (String.length s))) s | Tbitfield (w,p,t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%c%c%s" (char_of_int 9) (char_of_int w) (char_of_int p) (formattname t1) | Tconst (t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s" (char_of_int 10) (formattname t1) | Tundef (t1) -> Printf.sprintf "%c%s" (char_of_int 12) (formattname t1) | _ -> Printf.sprintf "tname without tdef" let looktype (ns:sctlns) (tn:tname) : tdef = let bytes = formattname tn in let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tlooktype;tag=newtag(); bytes = Some (bytes);;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in let rv = (match rmsg.op with Rlooktype -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> let (rtdef, _) = decodetdef x 0 in rtdef | None -> notype) | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "Couldn't find %s in ns %Ld\n" bytes ns.ns_id); notype) in rv let parse_tdefs (bytes:string) : typetab = let tt:typetab = HT.create 113 in let ntdefs = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 0) in (* let tdefs = Array.make ntdefs notype in *) let off = ref 8 in for i = 0 to (ntdefs - 1) do let (nt, newoff) = decodetdef bytes !off in HT.add tt (formattname nt.st_tname) nt; (* ignore (tdefs.(i) <- nt); *) off := newoff done; tt let enumtype (ns:sctlns) : typetab = let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tenumtype;tag=newtag();;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in match rmsg.op with Renumtype -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> parse_tdefs x | None -> raise (Unexpected_message "Couldn't get types for ns\n")) | _ -> raise (Unexpected_message "Couldn't get types for ns\n") let lookaddr (ns:sctlns) (addr:int64) : sym = let bytes = u64tostr addr in let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tlookaddr;tag=newtag(); bytes = Some (bytes);;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in let rv = (match rmsg.op with Rlookaddr -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> let (rsym, _) = parse_sym x in rsym | None -> nosym) | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "Couldn't find %Ld in ns %Ld\n" addr ns.ns_id); nosym) in rv let parse_seg (bytes:string) (off:int) : (sym * int) = let sval = parse_u64 bytes off in let size = parse_u64 bytes (off+8) in let (name, endoff) = decodes bytes (off+16) in let s = { nosym with s_name=name; s_val=sval; s_size = size; } in (s, endoff) let parse_segs (bytes:string) : sym array = let nsyms = Int64.to_int (parse_u64 bytes 0) in let syms = Array.make nsyms { s_name=""; s_flags=[]; s_val=0L; s_size=0L; s_type=Tundef(Tvoid);} in let off = ref 8 in for i = 0 to (nsyms - 1) do let (ns, newoff) = parse_seg bytes !off in ignore (syms.(i) <- ns); off := newoff done; syms let enumseg (ns:sctlns) : sym array = let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tenumseg;tag=newtag();;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in let rv = (match rmsg.op with Renumseg -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> parse_segs x | None -> Array.make 1 nosym) | _ -> raise (Unexpected_message "Couldn't get enumseg for ns\n")) in rv let parse_srcloc (bytes:string) : srcloc = let (file, lineoff) = decodes bytes 0 in let line = parse_u32 bytes lineoff in let col = parse_u32 bytes (lineoff+4) in { src_addr=0L; src_file=file; src_line=line; src_col=col; } let looksrc (ns:sctlns) (addr:int64) : srcloc = let bytes = u64tostr addr in let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tlooksrc;tag=newtag(); bytes = Some (bytes);;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in let noloc = { src_addr=0L; src_file=""; src_line=0l; src_col=0l; } in let rv = (match rmsg.op with Rlooksrc -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> let rloc = parse_srcloc x in rloc | None -> noloc) | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "Couldn't find src for 0x%Lx in ns %Ld\n" addr ns.ns_id); flush_all(); raise (Unexpected_message "No source info for addr")) in { rv with src_addr=addr; } let lookpc (ns:sctlns) (file:string) (line:int) : int64 = let slen = String.length file in let bytes = String.concat "" [u64tostr (Int64.of_int slen);file;u32tostr (Int32.of_int line)] in let msg = { empty_msg with op=Tlookpc;tag=newtag(); bytes = Some (bytes);;} in writemsg msg ns.ns_sctl.oc; let rmsg = runtiltag msg.tag ns.ns_sctl.ic in let rv = (match rmsg.op with Rlookpc -> (match rmsg.Msg.bytes with Some x -> parse_u64 x 0 | None -> raise (Unexpected_message "no lookpc result")) | _ -> ignore (Printf.fprintf stderr "Couldn't find pc for %s:%d in ns %Ld\n" file line ns.ns_id); 0L) in rv let skip_prologue (ns:sctlns) (fname:string) : (int64 * int64) option = let fsym = looksym ns fname in let isfunc f = (match f.s_type with Tfun _ -> true | _ -> false) in if not (isfunc fsym) then None else begin let pfinished = ref false in let ep = ref fsym.s_val in let cura = ref fsym.s_val in let entry = looksrc ns !ep in let ll = ref entry.src_line in let reset = ref true in let rec nsl (addr:int64) (line:int32) : int64 * int32 = let a = Int64.add addr 1L in let sl = looksrc ns a in if sl.src_line = line then nsl a line else (a, sl.src_line) in while not !pfinished do try let (newa, news) = nsl !cura !ll in cura := newa; ll := news; if !reset then begin ep := newa; reset := false end; if news = entry.src_line then reset := true; if Int64.sub newa fsym.s_val > 100L && news <> entry.src_line then pfinished := true with Unexpected_message _ -> pfinished := true done; Some (fsym.s_val, !ep) end